The pack grows stronger and my heart grows larger.
Post by Valentine Genova on Sept 6, 2014 3:38:51 GMT
Elysian Mina: A getaway and rest was needed from the workload, and so it was that the truck had pulled up outside of the Moon and the short woman started for the door. Fashion was always the last thing on her mind, the military outfit always a Elysian Mina: persistent habit. [d] Elysian Mina: The door swung open even before she reached it and she continued on in. Heading straight towards the bar, a sigh was spilled. [d] Iost beast: When Mina came in The bar area seemed kind of empty except for Fifi standing behind the counter humming to herself. -d Elysian Mina: "...ooookay." Everywhere she went, the place always cleared out like she was a plague. [d] Elysian Mina: She wandered over to the bar in front of the girl. "So... where's everyone?" [d] Iost beast: Behind the bar there was a large mirror, but there was something odd about it...It wasn't showing any of the reflections of the items in front of it. The surface seemed foggy, almost smokey and swirled a bit here and there at the Iost beast: edges. -d Elysian Mina: "And you might want to consider investing in Windex. That is one nasty looking mirror." [d] Iost beast: Fifi just blinked at Mina before she looked to the mirror...From the foggy surface there came a distorted, echoing and almost ghostly soft voice. "Mina..." -d Elysian Mina: "Oh for fuck's sake... I've had my week's session and I'm good with the aromatherapy so I know I haven't fucking flipped. Which means there's some evil spirit think I'm easy picking." Suspicious stare at the mirror. [d] Iost beast: The surface of the mirror began to swirl more, forming a bit of a vortex in the middle before it spread out from the center like the eye of a storm. The cloudy images would begin to clear a little, enough to reveal portions of a ost beast: face. The eye sockets, lips and faitest outline of shape. The mouth opened and the words followed seconds after, like bad sub titles on a Kung Fu movie. "Mina...Find a small mirror...Go...outside." -d Elysian Mina: "...why do I get this feeling it's going to be a bad idea?" Mina glanced over to Fifi, just to see if the girl had any reaction or opinions. [d] Iost beast: Fifi was just kind of staring off into space...But she did offer over a compact to Mina. A little helpful at least. -d lysian Mina: "Oh Good God, it's Kelly Bundy." But then the compact came out. "...thanks." Taking it she would head towards the front door and step outside. [d] Elysian Mina: "And this is where the horror movie starts." Mina opened up the compact, expecting something to eat her at this point. [d] Iost beast: The compact in Mina's hand would start to shake and bounce around a little. Waiting for her to open it up. When the mirror was exposed? The silver surface would begin to bulge out, like someone pushing it from the other side and the Iost beast: silver surface appeared almost liquid. Stretching out wider and longer until it nearly touched Mina's nose unless she moved it. -d n Mina: "Oh Hell No..." She turned the compact away from her, just to let whatever it is out without having it try to eat her. [d] Iost beast: Once it was turned away the expansion of the mercurial silver would begin to split open. First fingertips and then an whole hand..Followed by the arm...Soon another arm was pushing its way through, parting the surface of the mirror Iost beast: wider until a near white blonde head poked out. Eyes closed and gasping for breath, like she'd been smothering for minutes on end. It was almost like watching the mirror give birth. -d lysian Mina: "....ew...." [d] Iost beast: Like a fetus slipping from a birth canal the rest of the form slithered out of the mirror's surface. Landing on the ground curled in the fetal position, naked and panting. Hair plastered to back and shoulders with some..near ecto Iost beast: plasmic goo. "Fuck....My....Life." Coughing she rolled onto her back and groaned. It sounded like Roni...But...didn't look like Roni. -d Elysian Mina: "Yeah... think I'll learn to brush my hair and teeth blind for a while now." [d] st beast: Eyes still closed the goo covered female lay there catching her breath for a few minutes. "Love you too...Min-Min." -d Elysian Mina: Mina of course was Mina, with every bit of that quirky personality refined from years of working for a covert military project. "Usually getting a makeover is simple as calling a talk show." [d] Iost beast: Cracking one eye open she squinted at Mina. Even her eyes had changed, becoming a lighter, near opaque shade. "Do what now?" Another groan and she sat up, raisig one hand to look at it...Tattoos were missing. "The fuck?!?" -d - ian Mina: "I bet this is going to be one amusing story." Mina finally reached out with a hand to Roni. [d] Iost beast: Taking it she sighed and got to her feet, dripping which could almost make it like a really bad porn. "It's not very amusing..Unless you count being stuck in the mirror world." Time and things were...different there. -d Elysian Mina: "Mirror world... so that's what they call those places now?" [d] Iost beast: "Ha...Funny. Mom needed help." Sighing she ran hand along the top of her head, wincing at the ick feeling. "Ok..I'm heading for a shower." -d Elysian Mina: "All right. Don't mind me. And don't mind Miss Kelly Bundy in there either." [d] Iost beast: "Fifi? Nah." Heading inside she tried not to drip the goo on the floor as she headed for the stairs and up them to her room. Shower! -d Elysian Mina: Mina would just follow after Roni back into the Moon, heading straight back for the bar. "I need a drink." [d] Iost beast: soon enough she was coming back down the stairs. Wearing jeans and an over sized t-shirt. Long near white blonde hair falling dow over shoulders. "Fucking fantastic..Random make over." -d Elysian Mina: Mina had gotten herself a mug of beer with Fifi still staring at... well, whatever. "At least you can hide for a little while." [d] Iost beast: "Ha, yea just what I always wanted." Sighing she dropped onto a seat. "Thinking I might go to bed early..It's been a long damn day stuck in a mirror." -d